It has been too long

5 years is too long to go between posts.  Much has happened in that time.  I took a job developing technology for the automotive industry in Burlington, Vermont.  And I hate to say that I have been living in this beautiful state taking photos on my iPhone.  What a photography failure I have been of late!

It is time to pick the camera back up and point it at some phenomenal scenery in the Green Mountain state.  My failure hasn’t been 100% because I have taken a few shots worth sharing here:

Below zero on Lake Champlain in the winter of 2014
Summer on Lake Champlain in 2011
The backyard sunrise on a new snowfall in 2015

And had some fun, with a few buddies, at Whistler last season:

Jai Macker on the warm-up run of the trip
Jai Macker on the first warm-up run of the trip. That’s how you set the aerial bar for a bunch of dudes right.
Ain’t nothing like a west coast sunset forming in the mountains.
We had some fun playing on cornices. Chung (pictured) likes to remind me of the whiplash he had the next morning, but it was worth it for this shot.
There are two peaks at the Canadian resort known as Whistler Backcomb and getting between those peaks is quite the sight.

It feels good to fire up the my online photography spaces again and I hope I can get a few more years back on the shutter.

P.S. I have no idea who is subscribed to updates from this blog, so apologies if you’re seeing this blog post thinking WTF???